William O. Anderson


William O. & his brother Andrew


Picnic at Hooper in the 1920's 

Picnic at Hooper in the early 1920's

1. Bud (Edward L), William's middle son

2. William O.

3. Marian, William's niece, Andrew's daughter. 

4. Fourth person is unidentified

W. O with Bud (Edward L) and his family outside

their home in Sidney, NE about 1947


Betty, W O, Vivian, Bertha (Bud's wife), Joyce

Judy & Edward B are in front


William O. and son, Edward L. "Bud"

in Sidney, Nebraska, about 1947



William O, Maureen Bennett, and Edward L

about 1951 or 1952


William removed his hat; Bud put his on.

Maureen is Bud's granddaughter, W O's great granddaughter


William O. & Anna's children

about 1914


Three of the Anderson children as adults

Mabel, W O, Edward L, Harvey


Nearing Winslow with sheep 

"Nearing Winslow with carload of sheep"


W. O. by his house at Vale, Oregon

W. O.'s house at Alsea, Oregon


"West end of Dad Anderson [house] Alsea  Oregon"

Anderson tombstone at North Platte

William O & Anna Anderson tombstone

North Platte, Nebraska, cemetery

Anderson stone at North Platte

Anderson stone in North Platte Cemetery


Photo found in one of Edward L.
Anderson's photo albums